Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Building

Originally constructed in the 1880s for use by members of the Marshall Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Redfield GAR building went through several use changes before being donated to the Dallas County Conservation Board. It has since been restored and turned into a museum.

Grand Army of the Republic
1213 Thomas St.
Redfield, IA
From Hwy.6, go north into Redfield on 1st St.(P46). Turn right (east) on Thomas.
The G.A.R. building is in the first block of Thomas St., left (north) side

Wilton Candy Kitchen, Wilton

The Wilton Candy Kitchen is the world’s oldest continuously operated Ice Cream Soda Fountain.
The Candy Kitchen is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and has been serving visitors ice cream and candy for over a 158 years. The Candy Kitchen can trace its history back to a confectionery founded in Wilton in 1860 by Wilton pioneer, R. A. McIntyre. In 1910, Greek immigrant, Gus Nopoulos continued the tradition of a soda fountain in this same location, naming it The Candy Kitchen. The Nopoulos Family continued to operate The Candy Kitchen until 2016, when Lynn and Brenda Ochiltree assumed the responsibility of carrying on the operation of this historic Wilton business. Located in the heart of a small town and open 7 days a week, the Wilton Candy Kitchen is a popular stop for locals and tourists alike. If you’re ever driving across Iowa on Interstate 80, be sure to pull off exit 271, drive four miles south to Wilton, and stop by for a good old fashioned soda fountain drink or ice cream treat. [ Source: Wilton Candy Kitchen website ]

Wilton Candy Kitchen
Wilton Candy Kitchen

Address: 310 Cedar St, Wilton, IA 52778
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First train robbery in the west committed by Jesse James, Adair

site of the first train robbery in the west commited by jesse james and his gang

On July 21, 1873, they turned to train robbery, derailing the Rock Island train in Adair, Iowa and stealing approximately $3,000 ($51,000 in 2007). For this, they wore Ku Klux Klan masks, deliberately taking on a potent symbol years after the Klan had been suppressed in the South by President Grant’s use of the Force Acts.
The James-Younger Gang robbed their first train near Adair, Iowa. During the robbery, they wrecked the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Train and overturned the engine. The train engineer died in the accident and the gang made off with $3,000 from passengers and funds retrieved from the express car.

The Menlo Gas Station man, Menlo

The Menlo Gas Station man

The Menlo Gas Station man casts a warm red glow that can be seen for miles down old US Highway 6 in Menlo Iowa. The White Rose Oil Company mascot was built in 1934 for the Harry Kalbach service station in Menlo. Twice the length of Rt 66, US Highway 6 is the longest highway ever created in America. This but one of the many roadside attractions along Historic Route 6 in Iowa.

507 White Pole Rd, Menlo, IA 50164 (41.518258, -94.404163) ]
[ Google Street View ] [ Des Moines Register ]



Candyland Station, Grinnell

Candyland Station, Grinnell, IA

Tradition soda fountain. Hard serve ice cream and petite lunches. Sandwiches are hamsalad, chickensalad, tuna salad, eggsalad, grilled cheese,(w/ham or turkey), hotdogs, checkerburgers, (our rendition of a sloppy joe). We have stuffed tomatos, garbage salad, (salad w/ ground beef), homemade pie daily! We also serve 1919 Rootbeer and Coke and Orage Crush in a bottle. Try one of our famous ice cream sodas or the thickest malt in town! Yum!