Menlo Cafe

Menlo Cafe

Established in 1948, Menlo Cafe is located at 502 Sherman St in Menlo, IA and is a business listed in the categories Restaurants/Food & Dining, Cafe Restaurants, Coffee, Espresso & Tea House Restaurants, Full-Service Restaurants, Limited-Service Restaurants, Restaurants: Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms, Coffee Shops, Eating Places, Cafes, Cafeterias & Lunchrooms, Coffee Houses & Cafes and Restaurants. After you do business with Menlo Cafe, please leave a review to help other people and improve hubbiz. Also, don’t forget to mention Hubbiz to Menlo Cafe.

Address: 502 Sherman St., MenloIA 50164

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Valle Drive In, Lambs Grove

In the 1950s, there were nearly 70 drive-ins in Iowa. Now there are only five. Valle is the oldest drive-in in Iowa, having opened for business in 1948. It’s also the most authentic. The teasers shown at the beginning of movies are original, and so is the snack shack and our popcorn maker. The neon Valle sign is also original.

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Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Building

Originally constructed in the 1880s for use by members of the Marshall Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Redfield GAR building went through several use changes before being donated to the Dallas County Conservation Board. It has since been restored and turned into a museum.

Grand Army of the Republic
1213 Thomas St.
Redfield, IA
From Hwy.6, go north into Redfield on 1st St.(P46). Turn right (east) on Thomas.
The G.A.R. building is in the first block of Thomas St., left (north) side

Wilton Candy Kitchen, Wilton

The Wilton Candy Kitchen is the world’s oldest continuously operated Ice Cream Soda Fountain.
The Candy Kitchen is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and has been serving visitors ice cream and candy for over a 158 years. The Candy Kitchen can trace its history back to a confectionery founded in Wilton in 1860 by Wilton pioneer, R. A. McIntyre. In 1910, Greek immigrant, Gus Nopoulos continued the tradition of a soda fountain in this same location, naming it The Candy Kitchen. The Nopoulos Family continued to operate The Candy Kitchen until 2016, when Lynn and Brenda Ochiltree assumed the responsibility of carrying on the operation of this historic Wilton business. Located in the heart of a small town and open 7 days a week, the Wilton Candy Kitchen is a popular stop for locals and tourists alike. If you’re ever driving across Iowa on Interstate 80, be sure to pull off exit 271, drive four miles south to Wilton, and stop by for a good old fashioned soda fountain drink or ice cream treat. [ Source: Wilton Candy Kitchen website ]

Wilton Candy Kitchen
Wilton Candy Kitchen

Address: 310 Cedar St, Wilton, IA 52778
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